Fundraising News
All residents and businesses in the City of DeBary should have received our 2023 Fundraising Campaign mailer. We need the support of every resident and business in DeBary in order to continue our mission to support our Firefighters and other First Responders.
To make a donation:
There are several ways that you can donate to help us do our job:
By Mail: send a check payable to "The Debary Volunteer Firemen's Association" and mail it to PO Box 530853 DeBary FL 32753-0853
Online Payments:
We can accept a payment via Paypal at
We can accept a payment via Venmo at using id @DeBary-VFA (you might also need the last 4 digits of our phone number: 2469)
Please remember - NO representative of the DeBary Volunteer Firemen's Association / DeBary Volunteer Fire Support Team will do any door-to-door fundraising.
Our famous Pancake Breakfast

PANCAKE BREAKFAST RETURNS Sunday April 7, 2024 at 7:30 am!!
Our most frequent, and most popular fundraiser is our Pancake Breakfast. Several times a year, we take over Florence K. Little Hall (which, by the way, was originally owned and built by the Association to be a firehouse), and whip up a little something for our visitors. Pancakes, sausages, scrambled eggs, cheese sauce, juice, coffee, tea, you bet!
For a donation of your choosing at the door, come and enjoy some good food with your neighbors, cooked and served by your volunteers in the DeBary Volunteer Firemen's Association along side some of your professional firefighters.
We generally hold 2 breakfasts in the Spring (usually February and April), and 2 in the Fall (usually September and November). We will update our EVENTS page as more dates are announced. You can also watch our Facebook page for posted events!
Thanks to everyone who comes out and supports us at these breakfasts.
Why We Fundraise
We hold several fundraisers a year. Monies taken in go to purchase equipment and supplies for the Fire Department: we purchase items that may not be within their regular budget in a given fiscal year. For example, one of our recent purchases to help protect the residents of DeBary is a new "Drop Tank" which is used to hold water for firefighting in areas of the city that are not supplied with fire hydrants. The old tank had leaks; it will be repaired to use for training, but was not dependable enough for actual, emergency use. We have also purchased tools and other items.
We also purchase large amounts of bottled water and other drinks, as well as energy laden snacks and other supplies for firefighter rehabilitation at emergency scenes. This is a critical part of maintaning the health and wellness of the firefighters and other responders, to enable them to continue to perform safely.
Virtual Mall
The DVFA needs your support, and that of our community to allow us to continue to provide our safety services for our DeBary firefighters and citizens.
We are creating a virtual mall, where you can shop for quality products, where the vendors are supporting us by donating a portion of the sales. Please feel free to help us spread this throughout our community by sharing this page with your friends and family.
More quality products and vendors to come!
RADA Cutlery
THANK YOU for supporting our fundraiser through Rada Cutlery – well known for quality Made in the USA products. Every purchase you make using our unique shopping link helps support our group!